Stop Ajax call when you are updating the row
Stop Ajax call when you are updating the row
I've read something like that: "Ajax request made for every redraw" from this link -
I am using datatables with "server-side". I want use ajax request only for: paging, sorting or when I will change how many rows I want to show.
My silly question is: is it possible to "abort" or stop call ajax when I update the current row via this method: "fnUpdate(...)" ??
I should use this example: " " or maybe existing other way to find the solution.
Any sugesstions ??
Ok. I found the solution
Maybe it is not very interesting discussion but if someone wants stop the call ajax then should call this method fnUpdate( newValue, rowIndex, columnIndex, isDraw) - the last parameter telling us about redrawing the table or not.
Sometimes exists reason for server side when you do not call server and you want update single row