Add custom parameter with .draw()
Add custom parameter with .draw()

I'm using DataTables with serverSide processing. Now I want to send an extra parameter with the request so I can do some grouping of data. For the initial call, I can do this by adding data to the "ajax".
var dt = $('#products').DataTable({
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": {
"url": "{{ route('') }}",
"data": function(d){
d.grouping = 1;
This adds a parameter "grouping" with the value of "1".
No I have created multiple filters for the data, on a button click I'm redrawing the table to get the filtered products.
$("[data-search]").click(function () {
// Setting dt.columns(x).search('')
How will I be able to modify the 'grouping' value just before calling dt.draw()
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