Move to record added or edited
Move to record added or edited

I have a datatable set up as follows:
"ajax": {
"url": "/projects/ajaxTableData"
"fixedHeader": true,
"scrollY": "200px" ,
"scroller": true ,
"columns": [{"data": "cAction", "width": "20px", "orderable": false},
{"data": "iNum", "width": "50px", "orderable": true},
{"data": "cStatus", "width": "70px", "orderable": true},
{"data": "cName", "width": "100px", "orderable": true},
{"data": "dRequested", "width": "70px", "orderable": true},
{"data": "dRequired", "width": "70px", "orderable": true},
{"data": "cProjectLeader", "width": "100px", "orderable": true},
{"data": "cComment", "width": "450px", "orderable": false},
{"data": "nPercentComplete", "width": "50px", "orderable": true}
Note that I am using scrollY with scroller and I am using an ajax datasource.
When I add a row, I am adding it to the back end table and then doing an ajax.reload(). When I edit a row, I update the back end and do the same. WHat I would like to do is then move the table so that the edited row is the first row shown/the added row is at the last row visible (if I have to put the added row as the first visible row, that's OK too).
Any ideas on how I might accomplish this?