Wehn Scroller is enabled, Individual search is not
Wehn Scroller is enabled, Individual search is not
Posts: 15Questions: 2Answers: 0
Good day wonderful people of the datatables community,
So far I am really getting the hang of using datatables. However there is a problem I am facing: a requirement is that scroller
must be activated along with the filter per column">filter per column
feature of datatables.
But when I activate the scroller, the Individual filter vanishes. Is there an alternative to the given example? or is there something I have tochange?
Thank you very much
` /*Initialize*/
$(document).ready(function () {
/*jQuery datatables output the JSON from URL.*/
var tbl = $('#tblUserAccountsManagement').DataTable({
ajax: {
url: "AccountsManagementJSON.aspx",
dataSrc: "",
mDataProp: ""
aoColumns: [
{ //data: 'UserName',
mData: 'UserName'
{ mData: 'UserRoleCode' },
{ mData: 'IsActive' },
{ mData: 'FullName' },
{ mData: 'Email' },
{ mData: 'Company' },
{ mData: 'TIN' },
{ mData: 'SSS' },
{ mData: 'Address1' },
{ mData: 'Address2' },
{ mData: 'Address3' }
autofill: true,
order: [[0, 'asc']],
select: true,
responsive: true,
buttons: true,
length: 10,
/*exporting */
dom: 'Bfrtip',
buttons: [
'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'],
/*load items as user scrolls. (SEARCH PER COLUMN WILL NOT WORK)
scrollY: 200,
deferRender: true,
scroller: true
//add timer to refresh datatable
setInterval(function () {
tbl.ajax.reload(null, false);
}, 10000);//10 seconds
/*add a search per column feature*/
// Setup - add a text input to each header cell
$('#tblUserAccountsManagement thead th').each(function () {
var title = $(this).text();
$(this).html('<input type="text" placeholder="Src ' + title + '" />');
tbl.columns().every(function () {
var that = this;
$('input', this.header()).on('keyup change', function () {
if (that.search() !== this.value) {
This discussion has been closed.
Please uncomment
scrollY:200, deferRender and scroller
to reproduce the errorSolved the error, just have to place the setup exactly before the datatables declaration