Select2 dropdown container appears after autofill
Select2 dropdown container appears after autofill
I have a select2 field in my editor with the multiple attribute set which is populated by an MJOIN. When I use autoFill on the table column that references that field a select dropdown appears in the upper left corner of the page and remains until clicked.
It would appear to be a .select2-container that has been inserted immediately before the closing body tag.
I tried
table.on( 'autoFill', function () {
but when I open the edit window the misplaced element re-appears until a select2 input is manually selected after which it returns to normal
Have you resolved this issue. i have the same thing happening with a very simple select2 dropdown.
fields: [
{ label: "fSelect2field:", name: "select2Only_fSelect2field" ,type: "select2",
opts: {
placeholder: "Select ",
allowClear: true,
I have narrowed it down to when the select2 control is the first field in the editor.