Editor Button on top of form

Editor Button on top of form

crich04crich04 Posts: 20Questions: 6Answers: 0

I don't have a public interface yet but, I can. Maybe this is easy. I've tried using display: "bootstrap" but, the "submit" button is at the top of the form. It's awkward with tabbing through the fields. Any advice?


  • crich04crich04 Posts: 20Questions: 6Answers: 0

    EditorButtonOnTop is the image of the styling that I want to change.
    bootstrapOnly is a dialog that I open using only bootstrap. I like it's default styling. Button on bottom and title larger and bold.

  • crich04crich04 Posts: 20Questions: 6Answers: 0
    edited March 2017

    When I inspect the html, I see this:

    ...div data-dte-e="foot" class="DTE_Footer modal-footer".../div
    ...div data-dte-e="form_info" class="DTE_Form_Info">.../div
    ...form data-dte-e="form" style="display: block;">.../form

    The solution is to move the DTE_Footer after the form - like this.
    ...div data-dte-e="form_info" class="DTE_Form_Info">.../div
    ...form data-dte-e="form" style="display: block;">.../form
    ...div data-dte-e="foot" class="DTE_Footer modal-footer".../div

    How can I do this through the options or api?

  • allanallan Posts: 63,871Questions: 1Answers: 10,522 Site admin


    As you can in the Editor / Bootstrap example the submit button should be at the bottom of the form.

    Do you have the Editor / Bootstrap CSS and JS files loaded?

    The download builder is one way to make sure that all the required files are included.


  • crich04crich04 Posts: 20Questions: 6Answers: 0

    I did use the download builder and I'm sure it's something as you describe. I'm assuming it must be an order thing . . . thanks for anytime you spend on this. Attached is a screenshot of the source. I'm working to provide a public facing example but, a little difficult right now - sorry. I'll continue trying . . . for now, can you give me feedback on image?

  • crich04crich04 Posts: 20Questions: 6Answers: 0

    here is some code:

    function initializeEditor() {
    editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
    ajax: "...",
    table: "#records",
    idSrc: "transaction_id",
    fields: [ {
    label: "Invoice Number:",
    name: "description"
    }, {
    label: "Due Date:",
    name: "due_date",
    type: "datetime"
    }, {
    label: "Amount:",
    name: "adjusted_amount",
    attr: {
    type: "number",
    step: "10",
    value: "0.00",
    }, {
    label: "Category:",
    name: "subaccount_id",
    type: "selectize",
    options: [],
    opts: {
    sortField: 'label'

            }, {
                label: "Customer:",
                name: "customer_id",
                "type": "selectize",
                options: [],
                opts: {
                    sortField: 'label'
            },  {
                label: "Project:",
                name: "project_id",
                type: "selectize",
                options: [],
                opts: {
                    sortField: 'label'
        formOptions: {
            inline: {
                onBlur: 'submit'
    } );
    editor.dependent('customer_id', function ( val, data, callback ){


    function initializeReceivables(recordType) {
    table = $('#records').DataTable( {
    "buttons": [
    { extend: "create", editor: editor }
    "language": {
    "loadingRecords": "<span style='color:red' class='blink'><b>Please wait - loading...</b></span>",
    "processing": "<span style='color:red' class='blink'><b>Please wait - loading...</b></span>"
    "lengthMenu": [ [-1], ["All"] ],
    "paging": true,
    "ordering": true,
    "processing": true,
    "select": false,
    "autoWidth": false,
    "columnDefs": [
    { "visible": false, "targets": [0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 15] },
    { "orderable": false, "targets": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11] }
    "columns": [
    //hidden columns
    { data: "cashflow_id" }, //0
    { data: "subaccount_title"}, //1
    { data: "balance"}, //2
    { data: "register_id"}, //3
    //Visible columns
    { data: "transaction_id", className: "alignCenter"}, //4
    { data: { //5
    "": "days",
    "filter": "days",
    "display": "days_due"
    }, className: "alignCenter"},
    { data: "description"}, //6
    { data: "due_date", className: "alignCenter"}, //7
    { data: "close_date", className: "alignCenter"}, //8
    { data: { //9
    ": "adjusted_amount",
    "filter": "adjusted_amount",
    "display": "adjusted_amountMoney"
    }, "editField": "adjusted_amount", className: "alignRight"},
    { data: { //10
    "_": "balance",
    "filter": "balance",
    "display": "balanceMoney"
    }, className: "alignRight"},

                { data: null, //11
                    className: "alignCenter",
                    defaultContent: ''
                { data: "amount"}, //12 
                { data: "amountMoney"}, //13
                { data: "customer_id" }, //14
                { data: "project_id" } //15

    { data: "category" },
    { data: "subaccount_id" },
    { data: "close_date", className: "alignCenter" },
    { data: "status" },
    { data: "type" },

    "drawCallback": function ( settings ) {
    } //End Callback
    }) //End Receivables Table Initialization

  • crich04crich04 Posts: 20Questions: 6Answers: 0

    Here's how I open the form:
    $('button.editor_create').on('click', function (e) {
    editor.create( {
    title: 'Create new forecasted receivable:',
    buttons: 'Add'
    } );
    } );

  • allanallan Posts: 63,871Questions: 1Answers: 10,522 Site admin

    Thanks for the code and screenshot. I don't see anything out of place there.

    Can you give me a link to the page so I can take a look please? Its probably some thing CSS related - perhaps a conflict from some other styling.


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