Custom Excel Export Issues
Custom Excel Export Issues
I am trying to write a custom excel exporter as the build in one doesn't handle our larger datasets very well if at all. I also want to be able to export just the filtered rows.
//filtered rows data as arrays
var filteredData = table.rows({ filter: 'applied' }).data();
console.log(table.rows({ filter: 'applied' }).data());
PageMethods.ExcelExport(filteredData, onSuccess, onFailure);
filteredData outputs to the console as a multidimensional array ([Array[20], Arrray[20], ...]); which is what I expected.
However, when I try to send this data to the back end; this approach doesn't seem to work well. I get this error:
Uncaught Error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Cannot serialize object with cyclic reference within child properties.
Has anyone done anything like this? Is there a better approach to send filtered datatable data to vb codebehind?
As it turns out the fixed columns is the cause of the cyclic reference error.
Once that was removed from my table params the function passed the data back to the code behind without error.
Seems pretty weird but I hope this helps someone in the future.