HTML5 Excel Export Problem
HTML5 Excel Export Problem
Using latest files only downloaded 1 week ago, excelHtml export.
I can see in the excel file created, which of course these days is basically a xml file, that the data is being exported as I would expect. Here is the cell data copied from the exported .xlsx file:
<c t="inlineStr" r="C4"><is><t>N/A</t></is></c><c r="D4" s="65"><v>0454</v></c>
As you can see the type is inlineStr and the value is 0454. When I load the file the value is displayed as 454 and is right justified as if Excel is ignoring the inlineStr.
After load if I change the cell format to text the data changes to left aligned but does not add back in the leading 0 so Excel is definitely "stripping" it and not just "hiding" it.
All I can suggest is that the cell formatting created by the data tables html5 excel export is not correct in some way so Excel is ignoring it.
Any thoughts?
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
Can you try the nightly version of Buttons please? If that doesn't fix the issue, please post a link to a test case showing the issue.
Thanks for the prompt reply. We downloaded from the nightly files, the buttons css and js file as well as the html5 export buttons just in case they were pertinent.
The problem still exists. I cannot give you a link as the page is on an internal private business network.
Attached, in a hope they will help, are:
The html file saved from Chrome: cal.html
The PDF file created by data tables buttons: cal.pdf
The Excel file created by data tables buttons: cal.xlsx (This file has not been loaded into excel, just created and attached to this post. We created a second Excel file to load into Excel and check for the leading 0 so you had a raw created xlsx file.)
I failed to say in the previous post that we did use Chrome developer tools to ensure we had the latest files when doing the above tests and have the Chrome developer flag set to not use cache so it should always be reading the css and js from the server.
Thanks - yes, I can reproduce this problem locally. Sorry I had thought it was fixed already...
I'll post back when it is actually fixed.
Allan, Have you had any luck resolving this issue yet?
No. I haven't had a chance to look into it yet. I will post back when I have been able to do so.
This should be fixed in the 1.3.1 release of Buttons.
Thanks Allan, we will give it a go and let you know how it goes.
Works great, thanks Allan.