If scrollY is used then table column width is getting increased for any operation on Datatable

If scrollY is used then table column width is getting increased for any operation on Datatable

Parikshit_LexParikshit_Lex Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

Here is my table intilalization part:

"paging": false,
"scrollCollapse": true,
"info": false,
"searching": false,
"sDom": "Rlfrtip",
"aaSorting": [],
columnDefs: [
{type: 'non-empty-string', targets: 0, bSortable: false},
{type: 'non-empty-string', targets: 1},
{type: 'non-empty-string', targets: 2, bSortable: false},
{type: 'non-empty-string', targets: 3, bSortable: false},
{type: 'non-empty-string', targets: 4, bSortable: false},
{type: 'non-empty-string', targets: 5 }
"fnDrawCallback": function(){
if(layoutHomeScreen.dataTableApi == null){
layoutHomeScreen.dataTableApi = $('#table_id').DataTable();

        "createdRow": function ( row, data, index ) {
            console.log("Inside createdRow");
            $(row).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount)})
            $('td', row).eq(0).addClass('decoratetd');
            $('td', row).eq(2).addClass('decoratetd');
            $('td', row).eq(4).addClass('decoratetd');
            $('td', row).eq(0).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount) + '_column_ip_icon'});
            $('td', row).eq(1).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount) + '_column_ip'});
            $('td', row).eq(2).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount) + '_column_model_icon'});
            $('td', row).eq(3).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount) + '_column_model'});
            $('td', row).eq(4).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount) + '_column_firmware_icon'});
            $('td', row).eq(5).attr({id: 'grid_row_' + (layoutHomeScreen.rowCount) + '_column_firmware'});

Now for any kind of update on the cell data by using the cell.data('DATA').draw() method the column width keeps increasing for each operation.

Could you please help us out here?

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