Location of bootstrap fonts
Location of bootstrap fonts
Hi, I am trying to change over to using the bootstrap styling instead of datatables styling, but I have encountered a problem.
My project already included bootstrap, and fonts were located in /lib/bootstrap/fonts (and /lib/bootstrap/dist/fonts).
Bootstrap (and also DataTables) were installed using bower.
So now I have these script and css references:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="~/lib/datatables.net-bs/css/dataTables.bootstrap.css" asp-append-version="true"/>
When I try to show the page with my datatable on it, I see 404 errors trying to access these resources:
It seems that something is looking for these fonts in the wrong place.
They exist in /lib/bootstrap/fonts
There was no reference to bootstrap.css (instead there was a reference to a theme bootstrap bootstrap-cosmo,
I added a reference to bootstrap.css, but this did not make any difference.
The project also includes font awesome.
Any help appreciated.
Sorry, don't have a published version.
Debug code used - oqubiw
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Apologies, code formatting was incorrect.
Should have been:
The DataTables Bootstrap integration file doesn't attempt to load the halflings web-fonts. That much be coming from Bootstrap.
You would probably need to have a look through the CSS files to see where the path is incorrect and should be fixed.