How to post form data to datatables to reload mysql data using php
How to post form data to datatables to reload mysql data using php
I tried to post form data via jQuery to retrieve data from MySql data but errors occur when I click the button.
I want to use form to send data to datatable request via jQuery to retrieve MySql data on the page(Table). This form sends three data such as programmeID, classID(A/B) and terms (1/2) to filter the student from MySql data. The code below show what I tried so far, please I need help for anyone I appreciate. Thanks
"ajax": {
"url": "datatables/viewData4.php",
"type": "POST",
"data": function(d) {
var frm_data = $('form').serializeArray();
$.each(frm_data, function(key, val) {
d[] = val.value;
//my aim is to send data here in order to retrieve data from mysql
$pid = $_POST["progid"];
$classid = $_POST["classid"];
$terms = $_POST["terms"];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM student WHERE progid = $pid AND class = $classid AND terms = $terms";
$query = $connect->query($sql);
Probably need to provide us a little more information. Is the ajax call being made? Is the server being hit? If it is being hit, what is being passed? If you are only making one call on a button click, you might with to separate out the ajax call from the table.
@bindrid , Please give me any suggestion to solve this problem.
Again, you need to figure out if the issue is server side or client side. In your ajax call, you can add error: function(err, status) { debugger; console.log(err); },
if you do not know about the javascript debugger command, be sure to look it up for the type of debugging tool you are using.
I don't know the trick to do that, please I need your help.