Jquery Datatables Export Extremely Slow On Internet Explorer
Jquery Datatables Export Extremely Slow On Internet Explorer

I am using jquery datatables latest version. When I try to export around 5000 records on Internet explorer(any version) browser almost stucks and responded after 20 seconds.
Please test this fiddle on Internet explorer
Note* There was no such issue in the previous version of datatables.
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I don't have IE available at the moment, but if you were to use DataTables 1.10.13 are you saying that it takes less time?!
There was a change in 1.10.14/15 that should significantly improve performance, not degrade it!
Please test this issue on the fiddle provided as soon as you get IE available.
Please answer the question.
I've just fired up a Windows VM, and it looks like with .15 IE11 is having a pause part way through for some reason (screenshot attached). With .13 it took the Excel file 29S to generate, and with .15 it took 37S due to the gap in the middle.
I have absolutely no idea why it would do that I'm afraid.
The CSV file builds faster in .15 and is virtually instant.
The majority of the time for the Excel export is IE's horribly slow DOM creation - about 95% of the time according to the profiler. There isn't much I can do about that aspect, so its always going to be a slow export. I don't know why it has that pause though - I'll try to take a look into it when I get a chance.
@tangerine yes if I use older version of buttons, there was no such speed issue even in IE. But with the latest version of buttons and datatables, export has become horribly slow on IE.
@allan , just to clarify, I think the issue possibly occured because the new button extension has got issues.
Do give it some time to improve the performance of export.
Oh I see - you are saying it's the Buttons version that introduces the issue? Buttons 1.2.4 was faster than 1.3.1?
There was a change in the refer using to clean up the XML IE creates, which should actually make things faster.
Right, it's the Buttons version that introduces the issue, and previous version was faster than 1.3.1 while exporting to excel in IE.
It would be great if you look into this ASAP and provide a solution.
Also, can you elaborate "There was a change in the refer using to clean up the XML IE creates, which should actually make things faster."?
Yes - this change.
The change you mentioned is already available in datatables buttons.html5.min.js. Please see https://cdn.datatables.net/buttons/1.3.1/js/buttons.html5.min.js , unminify it and see line 34.
Yes - that was my point. You asked what changed - that was the line that changed. It was meant to make things faster. It is possible it has not.
Got your point. Please let me know if you got any other solution. Thanks
For me, the 1.3.1 version works much better. Before that, exporting in Excel repeatedly killed the browser window when there were too many results.
@allan, any updates on the issue?
No sorry. I'll post back once I have any updates on it.