Detect if a datatable has colReorder enabled?

Detect if a datatable has colReorder enabled?

denishaskindenishaskin Posts: 2Questions: 2Answers: 0

I have common code that operates on datatables and as part of my reset function I want to call datatable.colReorder.reset(), but obviously only if the datatable in question has had colReorder applied to it. If I call colReorder.reset() on a datatable that doesn't have it applied, an exception is thrown (Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fnReset' of undefined)

So far I can't figure out any way to know if colReorder has been applied to a given datatable. I could track that separately (it is true that I already have a wrapper object for each datatable :-) ) but this seems like it would be convenient to have.


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