changing data source through an option box

changing data source through an option box

carver3carver3 Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0

I'm struggling to use the same datatables structure to load different versions of the data. I've searched throughout the site and can't seem to find an example of this. I have a simple option box:
<select name="semester" id="semester">
<option value="fa2017">Fall 2017</option>
<option value="su2017">Summer 2017</option>
<option value="sp2017">Spring 2017</option>

I thought something like this should work:

$('#semester').change(function () {
var semester = this.value;
if (semester === 'su2017') {
table.ajax.reload( '/2017su.json' );

All my semester data will be coming from external .json files. Any direction is greatly appreciated.


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