Master detail inside column

Master detail inside column

cebalzercebalzer Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited April 2017 in Free community support

Hello everyone, I was trying to create a table inside the column as a master detail, but I was not able to, I noticed several posts, but I did not reach any conclusion, so finally I got the expected result, I will stop contributing to others that have the same result.
Here is the code snippet below:

Format array = {"cod_transacao":"1","itens_transacao":[{"cod_item":"1"},{"cod_item":"2"}]}
Version Datatables = 1.10.5

{"mData": null, mRender: function (data, type, obj) { var tabela = "<table class='table tabletable-striped table-bordered'>" + "<thead>" + "<tr style='background-color: #F5EADB'>" + "<th data-hide=''>Item</th>" + "<th data-hide='phone,tablet'>Descrição</th>" + "<th data-hide='phone,tablet'>Valor</th>" + "</tr>" + "</thead>" + "<tbody>"; var td = ""; $.each(obj.transacao_item, function (index, item) { td += "<tr><td>" + item.item_nome + "</td>"; td += "<td>" + item.item_descricao + "</td>"; td += "<td>" + item.item_valor + "</td></tr>"; }); tabela += td + "</tbody></table>"; return tabela; } }
Accept new ideas, thank

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