How to create a Checkbox column dynamically

How to create a Checkbox column dynamically

lmnguyenlmnguyen Posts: 5Questions: 3Answers: 0

I have this issue and don't know how to result yet. Any help/suggestion from you will be greatly appreciated

I have a Datatable which always been created dynamically.
By created dynamically, I meant whenever the table is loaded, a list of column objects (json format) will be used to define the table's columns.

I struggle to find a way how to create a checkbox column with some callback funtions, of course this must be define in the column object.


Lan Nguyen


  • bindridbindrid Posts: 730Questions: 0Answers: 119

    the code below will check the columns type using the createdRow. Where appropriate, it will add a checkbox. You can see the whole thing work here,js,output but here are the important parts.

    // Table definition var dtapi = $('#example').DataTable({ data: dataSet, pageLength: 3, // Use the createdRow callback to check column type createdRow: function (row, data, dataIndex) { // get the column defs from settings var colDefs = this.api().settings()[0].aoColumns; // for each column in the columns // this logic assumes that columns:[] contains an entery for every column. $.each(colDefs, function (i, item) { // get the associated td var cell = $("td", row).eq(i); // figure out data associated with the row // it may be an array, it may be an object cellData = null; if (typeof == "string" && typeof data == "object") { cellData = data[]; } else if(Array.isArray(data)){ cellData = data[i]; } switch (item.type) { case "money": // not implemented break; case "selectbox": //not implemented break; case "checkbox": // assumed that if the data is type boolean and it is true // apply it to the checkbox if (cellData === true) { cell.html("<input type='checkbox' checked />"); } else { cell.html("<input type='checkbox' />"); } break; default: // take no action, use defaults break; } }) }, // We have the option of invalidating and redrawing the table on each checkox change or // as I did, use the drawCallback to set the checkbox to match the row data "drawCallback": function (settings) { // not important on first draw so not worried about dtapi being defined on table initialization if (dtapi) { var visibleRows = $("td.cbcell").closest("tr"); visibleRows.each(function (i, item) { $("td.cbcell input", item).prop("checked", dtapi.rows(item).data()[0].isChecked); }) } }, // this is the default but note that the drawCallback will not be called on each page change if set to true. "deferRender": false, "order": [1], "columns": [ { "data": "isChecked", // adding the class name just to make finding the checkbox cells eaiser "orderable": false, "type":"checkbox", // Put the checkbox in the title bar }, // rest of the columns { data: "first_name", title: "First Name" }, { data: "last_name", title: "Last Name" }, { data: "position", title: "Position" }, { data: "office", title: "Office" }, { data: "start_date", title: "Start date" }, { data: "salary", title: "Salary" }, { data:null, title: "Int"} ] });
  • allanallan Posts: 62,094Questions: 1Answers: 10,181 Site admin

    You could use columns.render and just have it return the HTML needed for the checkbox.


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