Values in editor input

Values in editor input

klermannklermann Posts: 277Questions: 67Answers: 1

How can I retrieve the value formatted in the input to edit when I open it in modal, currently it is coming [Object Object], It is like this:
fields: [ {
label: "id:",
name: "id"
}, {
label: "Descrição:",
name: "descricaoReceita"
}, {
label: "Data:",
name: "dataReceita",
mRender: function(data){
dataDay = data.dayOfMonth;
dataObj = data.dayOfMonth + '/' + data.monthValue + '/' + data.year
return (dataDay < 10) ? '0' + dataObj : dataObj ;
}, {
label: "Contas:",
name: "minhasContas",
mRender: function (data, type, full){
return data[0].nome;
sDefaultContent: ''
}, {
label: "Valor:",
name: "valorReceita"

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