How to populate dropdownlist on individual column searching on server side processing
How to populate dropdownlist on individual column searching on server side processing

Hi Allan,
I have used the serverSide on true working perfectly fine, also I have used individual column searching with dropdownlist, but when I activate the serverSide on true the dropdownlist is just being populated with the information presented on the screen not with all the information from the table or query I just executed. This make sense because it is working with partial data. Is there any chance to load the dropdownlist with all the possible values on the total of the information?
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Attaching images.
Image 5 is on serverSide: true (displying partial list)
Image 6 is on serverSide: false (displaying the total of options in the query)
What you would need to do is query the database to get the full list of options on the first draw (
draw = 1
) and have that information sent back to the client-side. You could then populate the select lists in theinitComplete
method, which will pass in the JSON returned from the server as the second parameter.Allan
Hi Allan,
I am not sure where to start when you say "query the database to get the full list of options". I cannot run the full query because it is a lot of information, do you mean a separate query?. I am using initComplete to populate the current drop down I have created, but as I said it just contains some option on the list according to the information on the draw 1...n. I am attaching my code maybe you could point me where can I start applying your suggestion.
I would like the drop down list filter the information in a similar way the search does it, even working on server side true still looks for information on the total of information not just on the partial information load on the draw.
I am attaching an image of the screen, so you can have an idea.
View - HTML
View - JS
Thanks a lot
In line 26 (currently empty) of the .NET controller above you would need to add suitable code that will do
SELECT columnName FROM tableName
from the database.If you want to use the .NET Database class that Editor uses, the documentation for it is here. The
method will be the most useful one.Allan
Hi Allan,
Sorry I have been trying different ways to do this but I have not succeed. I Reckon there is a problem just activating serverSide to true stops working the filter by these individual column drop down list filters. I have tested in other screens where I have similar functionality, when I just activate the server side feature stops working the searching. Can you help me on discover what is happening when there is a drop down list and server side is on true, why is not working.
I have a second question, I also did what you suggested to search on the first draw all the values for each drop down list but I don't know how to pass it like you said as a second parameter on the JSON.
You need to use something like this:
i.e. query the database, fetch it all and then add it to the JSON response.
Then in the
callback you will be able to access it asjson.meta.assetTypes
Thanks Allan I will try this. Sorry to bother you but the main issue I am having right now is, I have my normal screens with individual drop down list on the top of some columns and they work properly until I change the feature serverSide to true. As soon I activate this feature they stop searching.
Hi Allan
Finally your code did not worked exactly but you gave the idea and I did something around that and it is passing the data from the controller to the view now. (Image)
This was the final result
But I am still struggling with my previous question about activating serverSide. Could you please help me on that?
Sorry - you would use
new string[] {"DisplayName"}
for the second parameter as it expects an array.The SELECT is needed to resolve that. As noted above, when server-side processing is enabled you have to select the values from the database that you want to show in the
. There is no other option (if you need server-side processing to be enabled).Allan
Hi Allan,
All the values on the drop down list are coming from the database and from the same column. But just with a simple exercises I have made is occurring this. I got some individual column search using drop down list, with the values it captures on the draw and when I select a value it is not filtering anything. I did something but not tested completely I have change a line like this on the initComplete:
to this:
It looks it is working now.