Error render link jQuery mvc
Error render link jQuery mvc
I have updated to last version of mvc.jquery.,datatable and now a i received an error when i load table "DataTables warning (table id=""): Requested unkind parameter '' from the data source for row 0
My code:
table = $table.dataTable(
aaSorting: [[5, "asc"]],
aoColumns: [
mData: "details",
bSortable: false,
mRender(data, type, row) {
return <a title='${resources["Title_ShowUserDetails"]
}' href='${$("#urlUsers").val()}?userId=${row.Id
}''><img src='../Content/images/drivingschools/item-alumnos.png\'/></a>
Damn those unkind parameters!
A common cause of this is that your "columns" definition does not match your HTML number of columns; or are you saying that the same code worked before you upgraded?
Same code worked before upgraded and no load correctly other scripts
Are you using this package?
If so, have you asked its author about the problem?
Sure, i will do it