How to call a partial view inside jquery datatable?

How to call a partial view inside jquery datatable?

ggddggdd Posts: 3Questions: 3Answers: 0

This is the main view :smile:

<table id="myGrid1" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
            <th>Order  ID</th>

            <th>Customer ID</th>
            <th>Employee ID</th>
            <th>Order Date</th>
            <th>Required Date</th>
            <th>Ship Via</th>
            <th>Ship name</th>
            <th>Ship Address</th>
            <th>Ship City</th>
            <th>Ship Region</th>
            <th>Ship Postal</th>
            <th>Ship Country</th>

            <th>Order  ID</th>

            <th>Customer ID</th>

            <th>Employee ID</th>
            <th>Order Date</th>
            <th>Required Date</th>
            <th>Ship Via</th>
            <th>Ship name</th>
            <th>Ship Address</th>
            <th>Ship City</th>
            <th>Ship Region</th>
            <th>Ship Postal</th>
            <th>Ship Country</th>

$(document).ready(function () { $('#myGrid1').DataTable({ "ajax": { "url": "/Test/GetData", "type": "GET", "dataSrc": "", "method": "GET", "dataType": "json", " destroy": true }, "columns": [ { "data": "OrderID" }, { "data": "CustomerID" }, { "data": "ContactName" }, { "data": "EmployeeID", }, { "data": "OrderDate" }, { "data": "RequiredDate" }, { "data": "ShipVia" }, { "data": "Freight" }, { "data": "ShipName" }, { "data": "ShipAddress" }, { "data": "ShipCity" }, { "data": "ShipRegion" }, { "data": "ShipPostalCode" }, { "data": "ShipCountry" } ] }); });

And this is the parial view :smile:

@model IEnumerable<Northwind.Order_Detail>

@foreach (var item in Model) { }
Product ID Product Unit Price Quantity Discount
@item.ProductID @item.Product.ProductName @item.UnitPrice @item.Quantity @item.Discount

And this is the controller ::

public class TestController : Controller
private dbNorthwindEntities db = new dbNorthwindEntities();
Orders or = new Orders();

    // GET: Test
  public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

    public ActionResult Index1()
        return View();

    public ActionResult Me(int? OrderID)
        var detalet = db.Order_Details;
        var orderDetalet = (from e in detalet
                            where (OrderID == null || e.OrderID == OrderID)
                            select e).ToList();
        return View(orderDetalet);

    public JsonResult GetData()
            using (db = new dbNorthwindEntities())
                var myList = or.GetOrders(db);
                return Json(myList, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
        catch (Exception)

What I want is when i click a row in datatable , to open up partial view as modal (like alert function in javascript) , with details for every Order , so how to open a partial view inside a row click in datatable ?!

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