Question regarding formatting of datatable columns before exporting to xls file

Question regarding formatting of datatable columns before exporting to xls file

anujeetanujeet Posts: 39Questions: 15Answers: 0

Hi Team,

We have implemented data-tables in our application. For each list we have separate js file to initialize data-tables. Before exporting the data-tables we are doing some formatting for currency columns so that $ and euro sign should not export in exported xls. Below is our code which we used for a single list:

var buttons = new $.fn.dataTable.Buttons( table, {
buttons: [
extend: 'excel',
exportOptions: {
columns: ':visible',
charSet: "utf-8",
format: {
body: function ( data, row, column, node ) {

                                        // Strip $ from salary column to make it numeric
                                       if(column == 10 || column == 13 || column == 14 || column == 15 || column == 16 || column == 19) {

                                         var d = data.replace( /[€]/g, '' );

                                          d = d.replace( /[.]/g, '' );

                                         d = d.replace( /[,]/g, '.' );

                                         return d;
                                       return data; 
} );

As you can see in above code I am removing "&euro" sign from currency columns before exporting to XLS. Below are my questions:
1) Right now I have fixed the index of columns like(10,13,14) etc, Is there any way so that I can apply a class to currency columns and in above code I can check if column has class then euro should be replace ?. I mean instead of doing column ==10, Shall I use something like column.class == 'className'.

2) Right now I have added above code in a js file which is being used for a single list. We have about 20 lists and 20 js files. Is there any way so that I can use above code as a common code for the all lists. So that I can add above code at one place and will be reflect at everywhere ?

Looking forward for your reply



  • bindridbindrid Posts: 730Questions: 0Answers: 119

    so your data comes from the database with these symbols already attached?

  • anujeetanujeet Posts: 39Questions: 15Answers: 0

    We have not saved the symbols in database. While showing on list we are appending the symbols and while exporting we are removing the symbols.

  • anujeetanujeet Posts: 39Questions: 15Answers: 0

    Any solution to make the code generic?


  • anujeetanujeet Posts: 39Questions: 15Answers: 0
    edited May 2017

    Hi Team,

    Any update on this?.


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,591Questions: 26Answers: 5,006

    Maybe you can try something like this:

                                            // Strip $ from salary column to make it numeric
                                           if( (node.className === '<assigned class>') ) {
                                             var d = data.replace( /[&euro;]/g, '' );
                                              d = d.replace( /[.]/g, '' );
                                             d = d.replace( /[,]/g, '.' );
                                             return d;
                                           return data;
    } );

    You would need to assign each cell with the &euro to that class.


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