excelHtml5 button not showing up
excelHtml5 button not showing up
Hello Sir! Good day!
Why the excelHtml5 button not showing up? But I already include the require js of excelHtml which jszip.min.js. But still not working. There's an error occurred in the console and this is how I declared the js files. (please see attached file below)
Please help me Thanks
If I using only "excel" it works fine but when I clicked the excel button and downloading the file, after downloaded, the file did not exist in the download history of the browser (chrome)
Since you are downloading the files, Why not user the single file option. That way you make sure they are all there and they are all loaded in the right order.
Are you, by chance, not waiting for the files to load before you execute commands?
Even if I'm using a single file option especially the excel button, its still not working. Only the copyhtml5, csvhtml5, pdfhtml5, print are working.
I'm waiting for the files before executing commands
look at this example. When you clicked the excel button and after downloading, there's nothing happen at all.
excelFlash is deprecated.