Editor - Bug if edit a select2 or selectsize field with less options update
Editor - Bug if edit a select2 or selectsize field with less options update
There is a bug with selectize plugin when you want edit field with less selected options than orginal state.
In datables.js :
* Save submitted data without an Ajax request. This will write to a local
* table only - not saving it permanently, but rather using the DataTable itself
* as a data store.
* @param {object} data Data to submit
* @param {function} success Success callback
* @param {function} error Error callback
* @param {object} submitParams Submitted data
* @private
Editor.prototype._submitTable = function ( data, success, error, submitParams )
var that = this;
var action = data.action;
var out = { data: [] };
var idGet = DataTable.ext.oApi._fnGetObjectDataFn( this.s.idSrc );
var idSet = DataTable.ext.oApi._fnSetObjectDataFn( this.s.idSrc );
// Nothing required for remove - create and edit get a copy of the data
if ( action !== 'remove' ) {
var originalData = this._dataSource( 'fields', this.modifier() );
$.each( data.data, function ( key, vals ) {
var toSave;
// Get the original row's data, so we can modify it with new values.
// This allows Editor to not need to submit all fields
if ( action === 'edit' ) {
var rowData = originalData[ key ].data;
toSave = $.extend(true, {}, rowData, vals );
else {
toSave = $.extend( true, {}, vals );
// If create and there isn't an id for the new row, create
// one. An id could be creased by `preSubmit`
if ( action === 'create' && idGet( toSave ) === undefined ) {
idSet( toSave, +new Date() +''+ key );
else {
idSet( toSave, key );
out.data.push( toSave );
} );
success( out );
Edit action "toSave = $.extend(true, {}, rowData, vals );"
, but $extend(true)
will deep copy object.
When we edit a selectzise (or select2) field new data it's a array
examples :
N° 1 :
Before edit : ["foo","bar"]
New Value : ["foo","lop"]
Result : ["foo","lop"]
It's Work
N° 2 :
Before edit: ["foo","bar"]
New Value : ["foo"]
Result : ["foo","bar"]
It's the effect of extends with "true" param.
I have patched like that and now edit selectize or select2 works fine.
But i think it's not the best solution.
Patch :
if ( action === 'edit' ) {
var rowData = originalData[ key ].data;
- toSave = $.extend(true, {}, rowData, vals ); // old
+ toSave = $.extend({}, rowData, vals ); // new
Thanks for this and your insights into it! This is a tricky one, as it is valid to have nested objects of data in the table, where the
parameter to deep copy would be required.I'll need to think about this one a bit more. I don't have an immediate solution I'm afraid!
Thanks for reply.
For moment for not hardcode datables.js I use this ""ugly patch"" where my tables needs select2 or selectize :