KeyTable plugin not working with Select plugin on Microsoft Edge 15, key-focus event is never fired

KeyTable plugin not working with Select plugin on Microsoft Edge 15, key-focus event is never fired

artur.tomusiakartur.tomusiak Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited June 2017 in Free community support

Try this JS Fiddle:

On Chrome it is possible to click on a row and then use up/down arrow keys to select rows above and below. However, on Microsoft Edge 15, clicking on a row causes a Javascript error: Unable to get property 'nodeName' of undefined or null reference. Then, using up/down arrow keys just scrolls the page. The 'key-focus' event is never fired.

Is there anything wrong with the example code? If not, is this a known issue?

In addition to the code above, in Chrome I am able to focus on clicked cell inside of 'user-select' event handler:

      .on('user-select', function (e, api, type, cell, originalEvent) {
        if (originalEvent.type === 'click') {
          dTable.cell(cell.index().row, 0, {search: 'applied', page: 'current'}).focus();

However, on Edge 15 I am getting a similar Javascript error on that line as well.


  • artur.tomusiakartur.tomusiak Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0
    edited June 2017


  • artur.tomusiakartur.tomusiak Posts: 3Questions: 1Answers: 0

    It appears to be fixed when upgrading DataTables itself to the newest version - 1.10.15.

  • allanallan Posts: 62,211Questions: 1Answers: 10,205 Site admin


    Thanks for posting back. Great to hear that this is working for you with the latest versions!


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