Preventing datatable export from removing from cell
Preventing datatable export from removing from cell

Datatable Export is stripping out the span tag from the td , I need the span in my print and excel exports, how do i go about it? I have set the stripHtml to false.
Excerpts from datatable Initialization, style applied as follows:
=== options===
exportOptions: {
columns: ':visible',
stripHtml: false,
=== options===
===css style===
.thousandsSeparator {
display : inline;
padding-left: 4px;
===css style===
===Dom elements===
<td class="col-md-1" id="my_id">
1<span class="thousandsSeparator"></span>21<span class="thousandsSeparator"></span>219.96
===Dom elements===
stripHtml: false, should solve the issue