Dynamically generating columns

Dynamically generating columns

htwyfordhtwyford Posts: 23Questions: 9Answers: 1
edited June 2017 in Free community support

I am looking to pivot an MJoined datasource. I have selected Users from my system, and MJoined Schedules related to that user. What I am left with is a dataset of Users, and their associated scheduling (# hours per week). Here's a sample set of my JSON:

  "draw": null,
  "data": [
      "DT_RowId": "row_1",
      "User": {
        "ID": 1,
        "firstMidName": "Harry",
        "lastName": "Twyford"
      "Schedule": [
          "week_ending": "2017-05-26",
          "JobID": 14,
          "hours": 40
          "week_ending": "2017-06-02",
          "JobID": 14,
          "hours": 50
      "DT_RowId": "row_2",
      "User": {


I want to display this data as one row for each user, with columns extending out for each week_ending entry. I am having trouble coming up with a way to define my DataTables columns.data() columns dynamically, with one column for each week. This is what I have so far:

var builtColumns = [];
$('#schedulingTable').on('xhr.dt', function (e, settings, json, xhr) {
      builtColumns = constructColumns(json);
    dom: "Bfrtip",
    ajax: {
        url: ajaxUrl,
        data: { id: id },
    //is this valid? Assigning an existing array to columns?
    columns: builtColumns,

function constructColumns(json) {
    var currentHighest = 0;
    for (var row in json.data) {
        var weekCount = Object.keys(json.data[row].Schedule).length;
        if (weekCount > currentHighest) { currentHighest = weekCount; }
    var column0 =
        {  //first column is always the User
            data: "User",
            render: function (data, type, full, meta) {
                return data.firstMidName + ' ' + data.lastName;
    var columns = [];
    columns[0] = column0;
    //one column for every week_ending entry. 
    //as many columns as the highest number of week_endings across all the rows.
    for (var i = 1; i <= currentHighest; i++) {
        columns[i] =
                data: "Schedule[" + i + "].hours"
    return columns;

I have a couple of problems:
- is this even possible? Creating an array, then just assigning it to columns?
- the XHR event doesn't seem to be firing at all. Advice?

Edit: I would like for this to eventually become an Editor table, looking like this:

User                      May 26                 June 3          ...
Harry Twyford       40                         30
Bob Smith             40                         30

Where the hour values can be edited. If you have any advice on how to tackle this, I'd be grateful. Otherwise, I'll just tackle that when I can even get the DataTable running.


  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    //is this valid? Assigning an existing array to columns?
    columns: builtColumns,

    Yes, that in and of itself is valid. You can construct the array of column information any way you want.

    BUT! (isn't there always a but....). You are listening for xhr from DataTables to build the table. But the table can't emit that event until it is triggered!

    Have a look at the Q. Can I define my columns in Ajax loaded JSON?.


  • htwyfordhtwyford Posts: 23Questions: 9Answers: 1

    An update, for those who may be looking for the answer in the future. I used bindred's answer here as inspiration, and created arrays of my DataTable columns and Editor columns by calling a function inside the ajax: success event. I then instantiated DataTables and Editor after that. This did mean that I couldn't use Editor's .NET libraries, and instead had to define my own server responses. The actual pivoting of the data is also done on the server-side, and sent as a DataTables-formatted ajax call (with DT_RowId, etc.)

    I've taken out some bits of code (RowGrouping, custom buttons) for conciseness.


    $(document).ready(function () {
        var builtColumns = [];
        var builtFields = [];
            url: ajaxUrl,
            success: function (response) {
                var [builtColumns, builtFields] = constructTable(response);
               // the number of columns is not known ahead of time, so the 
               // actual HTML table headers have to be built dynamically
                builtColumns.forEach(function (element) {
                            "<th>" + element.data + "</th>");
                var editor;
                editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({   
                    table: '#schedulingTable',
                    fields: builtFields
                editor.on('preSubmit', function (e, data, action) {
                    //your custom logic here...
                    dom: 'Blfrtip',
                    data: response.data,
                    columns: builtColumns,
                    select: true,
                    buttons: [
                        { extend: "create",  editor: editor },
                        { extend: "edit",  editor: editor },
                        { extend: "remove", editor: editor },
                        { extend: 'copy'},
                        { extend: 'excel'}
    function constructTable(json) {
        //columns for DataTables
        var columns = [];
        columns[0] = { data: "Job Number" };
        columns[1] = { data: "Employee" };
        // more logic to build columns, 
        // based on what data you sent from your server...
        //fields for Editor
        var fields = [];
        // These are just my fields, to show that you must create 
        // these objects to match the "label:/name:" Editor structure
        fields[0] =
                label: "Job",
                name: "JobID",
                type: "select",
                placeholder: "Select a job"
        fields[1] =
                label: "Employee",
                name: "UserID"
        // more logic....
        return [columns, fields];

    Hopefully this helps somebody in the future!

  • allanallan Posts: 63,213Questions: 1Answers: 10,415 Site admin

    Perfect - very nice! Thanks for sharing your solution with us.


  • JWJW Posts: 13Questions: 4Answers: 0

    Thanks @allan and @htwyford. This actually helped me build a Datatable with dynamic columns while making sure the data mapped to the dynamic columns as well. Cheers!

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