Where to do DB process before updating the row
Where to do DB process before updating the row

I have a requirement to update some other rows in the current table and some other tables based on new values in the row being edited.
Right now I use the following general structure in my PHP:
// DataTables PHP library
include( "C:/wamp64/www/distLibs/phpLibs/DataTables-Editor/DataTables.php" );
// Alias Editor classes so they are easy to use
// Build our Editor instance and process the data coming from _POST
Editor::inst( $db, 'calendar.events', 'RID' )
->process( $_POST )
Where is the best place to do my processing before I update the edited row?
An example would be helpful.
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You probably need Editor's PHP preEdit.
There's a little info in this thread:
Be careful here - DataTables has a js function with the same name, which is the most usual "find" when searching the forum.
Thanks for the input but I need to get more basic and ask the question differently.
Referring to the PHP in the original post, within the "fields" array lets say there is a field definition:
How would I add the following logic which is shown as pseudo-code:
if allDay = true then
myfunc(current_db_object, row_columns_array)
where "myFunc" would process other rows in the current db using the data from the current row.
To add to the complexity, I would like to do the "myFunc" processing after the current-row has been updated or added.
Doing the "myFunc" processing before the current_row is updated or added would be OK if that is the only reasonable way to do it.
Hi Jim,
There isn't a way of doing what you are looking for in the Editor PHP libraries directly. Each row is treated individually there, rather than providing options to process them collectively.
Instead what you would need to do is get the data returned from the database and the processing however you need:
OK, I'm starting to see the approach.
One clarification that I don't believe changes your answer that much.
I don't want to send additional data ($data, in you example) back to the client.
The result of processing $data are changes to the DB (adding, deleting, updating other rows).
Does this introduce any issues to your answer?
Now off to learn yet another programming language (PHP)..
Hi Jim,
If you want to take some specific action when Editor performs a CRUD operation, the events it triggers is the way to do it.