Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '$' of undefined
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property '$' of undefined

I wanted to use DataTables in my wordpress theme but it doesn't work. I get the error above...
I installed DataTables with npm. My main.js looks like this:
var $ = jQuery;
var dt = require("datatables.net")();
$(document).ready(function() {
This discussion has been closed.
help me pls ...
Did you use DataTables' NPM package manager?
i installed these two packages:
npm install datatables.net
npm install datatables.net-dt
Can you link to a test case showing the issue please. The looks like it should work without issue.
right now the site is local, but it will be soon on the server. I post the link asap.
Link: http://p408166.mittwaldserver.info/kursuebersicht/
Is main.js an actual script file? I don't see it in your code.
no it gets bundled so it's called app.js
down in the code I see
this line does not make sense to me
that's true, but this line come from jquery.dataTables.js
in that context is the jQuery object - so basically its extending the jQuery object that was used to create the DataTable. That's how the legacy API was built, and it does also run if you use the modern API.The WebPack file uses:
But the first argument (if given) to the DataTables
package function should bewindow
. However, your code above doesn't show any arguments being used.Is the original source file available on the server? Or perhaps a map for the packaged file?
i tried also with window as parameter but still doesn't work.
Source File: http://p408166.mittwaldserver.info/wp-content/themes/brandschutz/src/main.js
no idea?
Sorry for the delay - I lost it among the other posts.
Try taking
var dt = require("datatables.net")(window, $);
out of the document ready function. Just put it below thevar $ = jQuery;
thanks for you reply. I already tried this but same Error...
Could you update your demo code to remove the
from the document ready function please?Thanks,
i just updated the code
I think it is this:
It should be:
Is there a reason you aren't doing a
at the moment?Allan
because jquery already gets loaded from wordpress
Ah! I'm finally with it. You are running AMD rather than CommonJS. Yup - fair enough and I'll update my documentation about this shortly.
In the mean time, unlike with CommonJS, with an AMD loader for DataTables you don't need to execute a function:
Where it might trip up is using WP's jQuery rather than the
that it uses.Could you try that and let me know when its up?
done but same error
I'm now getting this error:
That appears to be because DataTables uses this as its AMD loader:
So it isn't using your existing jQuery - its doing a
of its own. This is under the assumption that if DataTables was being AMD loaded, then jQuery would also be AMD loaded. That isn't the case - you are AMD loading DataTables, but jQuery is just a regular include.I'm frankly not sure what the right thing to do is when there is a mix of both, I don't really having come across that before.
Perhaps DataTables should check if jQuery is already defined - but that's not something I've seen a AMD loader do before (at least - not as far as I can remember).
okay thanks allan do you have any idea what i can do now?
Can you just include DataTables using a regular
tag? If so, that would be the way to go just now.Allan
Hi mathishuettl I hope that I'm not late to answer, but you could try to import datatable.net the next way:
import dt from 'datatables.net';
You could try using the solution shown here:
For me, this was the only solution that worked:
like discussed here:
Was there ever a definetive solution for this?
Using the
require('imports?define=>false!datatables.net')(window, $);
just gets me the error "cannot resolve imports".
Using simply
with or without the extra(window, $)
just gets me the error - "...Cannot set property '$' of undefined"thx for the help
Can you show me your full file please?
For using AMD loading, mostly webpack user
Examples on
pluginIt would be better if we update these HOW-TOs