How to Send id to edit( id ) function

How to Send id to edit( id ) function

Abhi RAbhi R Posts: 17Questions: 5Answers: 0
edited June 2017 in Free community support

Hello I want to send MeetingId to on click of that Edit

columns: [
                    { "data": "MeetingId" },
                    { "data": "MeetingName" },
                    { "data": "HostName" },
                    { "data": "ScheduledDate" },
                        data: null,
                        className: "center",
                        defaultContent: '<a href="#" class="editor_edit" onclick="edit( **Here** )">Edit</a> / <a href="#" class="editor_remove" onclick="Delete()">Delete</a>'

But how to send the MeetingId over there ?

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