DataTables 1.7.6 released

DataTables 1.7.6 released

allanallan Posts: 63,979Questions: 1Answers: 10,549 Site admin
edited March 2011 in Announcements
Hello all,

It is with great pleasure that I can release DataTables 1.7.6. This is a bug fix release of DataTables, which will likely draw the 1.7.x series of releases to a close (unless anything really serious is found!) so work can begin in ernest on the next major update.

DataTables 1.7 has proven itself in terms of stability, and this release increases that standing by fixing a number of small bugs and little niggles. I've been taking DataTables to its limits recently (and enjoyed it immensely!) and found a few little things which needed to be tidied up along the way. This release includes those fixes and a few other minor changes.

The latest release package (which includes all of the latest plug-ins including the newly releases ColVis 1.0.1, ColReorder 1.0.4 and TableTools 2.0.1) can be downloaded from here:

Documentation as always is available on this site as a whole, particularly the usage and API sections:

Release notes are available on the download page:

Finally, if you are using DataTables and find it useful, please do consider making a donation. These donations allow me to continue developing DataTables: :-)



  • quinodequinode Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I tried to upgrade to solve antoher problem, but 1.7.6 brings a cosmetic bug :
    When using on a page where I have two datatables using jquery UI skin, when typing in search terms, the table grows on the right...
    Downgraded to 1.7.5 and it's fine again
  • allanallan Posts: 63,979Questions: 1Answers: 10,549 Site admin
    Interesting - could you possibly link us to an example which is causing this to happen please, or at least your initialisation of the two tables? Are you using scrolling for example?

  • quinodequinode Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Sure, here they are
    the first has an ajaxsource, the second has its data in the table

    "sAjaxSource": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "bPaginate": false,
    "bScrollInfinite": true,
    "bScrollCollapse": true,
    "sScrollY": "200px",
    "bInfo": true,
    "bJQueryUI": true,
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bStateSave": true,
    "oLanguage": {"sUrl": "xxxxxxxxxxxx/media/js/fr_FR.json"},
    "aoColumns": [
    {"bSearchable":true,"sWidth":"120px"}, //nom
    {"bSearchable":true,"sWidth":"120px"}, //prenom
    {"bSearchable":false,"sWidth":"70px"}, //age
    {"bSearchable":true,"sWidth":"70px"}, //code_postal
    {"bSearchable":true,"sWidth":"80px"} //lieu
    "bPaginate": false,
    "bScrollInfinite": true,
    "bScrollCollapse": true,
    "sScrollY": "200px",
    "bProcessing": true,
    "bJQueryUI": true,
    "bStateSave": true,
    "oLanguage": {"sUrl": "xxxxxxxxxxx/media/js/fr_FR.json"},
    "aoColumns": [
    {"bSearchable":false,"sWidth":"100px","sType":"title-numeric", "asSorting":["asc","desc"]}, //date
    {"bSearchable":true,"sWidth":"100px"}, //nom+prenom
    {"bSearchable":false,"sWidth":"50px"} //lieu


  • dwaddelldwaddell Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    This is rather small but there is a global variable being set in a few places. It seems to be the same one but here is an example.

    In this.fnGetData there is not a var aRowData, not sure if it should be in that function or not but I am assuming it should be declared at some point before the line:
    [code]return ( (aRowData = oSettings.aoData[iRow]) ? aRowData._aData : null);[/code]
  • allanallan Posts: 63,979Questions: 1Answers: 10,549 Site admin
    @dwaddell - Damn :-( I should have reviewed the patch for that more carefully. I'm almost prompted to release a 1.7.7 update for this, which I didn't want to do (1.8 next :-) ). If there are any more nasties like this I will do so however. The code should read:

    return (typeof oSettings.aoData[iRow] != 'undefined') ?
    oSettings.aoData[iRow]._aData : null;
    There is a similar issue in fnGetNodes which should be:

    return (typeof oSettings.aoData[iRow] != 'undefined') ? oSettings.aoData[iRow].nTr : null;
    My apologies for that.

    @quinode - thanks for the init code - I'll take a look and get back to you.

  • dwaddelldwaddell Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks Allan, I just replaced those lines and all appears to be working fine.

    Good luck with version 2.0!
  • junker37junker37 Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I just upgraded to 1.7.6. Thanks for your hard work.

    I've run into an issue though, I 2 tables on the page, the second opens up in a dialog and the data in the table is changed based on the selection in the first table.

    After upgrading, the data in the 2nd table (in the pop-up) is being filtered out. Example text: Showing 0 to 0 of 0 entries (filtered from 2 total entries)

    I'm not sure how to remove this filter. I did not have this issue before upgrading to 1.7.6.

    here's my initialization code:
    campaignsTable = $('#campaignsTable').dataTable({'sDom': "T<'clear'>lfrtip",'oTableTools':{'aButtons':['csv', 'xls', 'pdf'], 'sSwfPath':'/js/plugins/dataTables/extras/TableTools/media/swf/copy_cvs_xls_pdf.swf'}, 'fnDrawCallback': function() { $(this).fadeIn(1000); }, 'bAutoWidth':false, 'aaSorting':[[0, 'asc']], 'aoColumns': columns, 'sPaginationType': 'full_numbers', 'iDisplayLength':5, 'aLengthMenu':[5, 10, 20, 50]});
  • allanallan Posts: 63,979Questions: 1Answers: 10,549 Site admin
    Can you give us a link showing the problem please? Also, what version were you upgrading from and how is the second table populated (the initialisation code looks like it's for just one table)?

  • junker37junker37 Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Well, while trying to setup a public page, I noticed that it is working now, not sure what changed, but oh well.
  • flashfogflashfog Posts: 17Questions: 0Answers: 0
    I tried to upgrade but because I have two rows in my thead (one for TH and one for the filters), I'm getting an error:

    "Component returned failure code: 0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER) [nsIDOMHTMLTableRowElement.removeChild]" nsresult: "0x80004003 (NS_ERROR_INVALID_POINTER)" location: "JS frame :: jscripts/jquery.dataTables.js :: _fnDrawHead :: line 2894" data: no]

    Any way around this?
  • allanallan Posts: 63,979Questions: 1Answers: 10,549 Site admin
    Can you give us either a link or your HTML and initialisation code please? What version were you upgrading from?

  • flashfogflashfog Posts: 17Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Apparently the error was happening because my 2nd header row was missing a cell (since it didnt have a filter). I added in a blank cell so it had the same number as the first row and the error no longer comes up.

    Thanks for the continued development of your excellent software!
  • barbarossabarbarossa Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
    hello, how can I change the date format?
    I am Czech and we use: DD.MM.YY
    I need to be ranked according to the date of this format.
    thank you

  • allanallan Posts: 63,979Questions: 1Answers: 10,549 Site admin
    Hi Lukas,

    Have a look at this post from myself (and a number of other similar posts in the forum): . A date sorting plug-in will do the job :-)

This discussion has been closed.