Buttons Extension Stopped Working
Buttons Extension Stopped Working

My buttons extension is stopped working. Internet Exploder displays them and allows us to download; but in Chrome and Firefox, the button div is empty. The site has been in production for about a year with no issues, but we noticed this week that this functionality broke. You can see the class wrapper is properly added to the DOM, but they do not include the <i> buttons.
Any Ideas??
There are no console errors.
Network activity does not show any resources that fail to load.
I invoke the buttons this way:
dom: 'lf<"tableCTL"<"pull-left"B><"pull-right"p>><t><ip>',
<div class="tableCTL"><div class="pull-left"><div class="dt-buttons btn-group"></div></div><div class="pull-right"><div class="dataTables_paginate paging_simple_numbers" id="userTBL_paginate"><ul class="pagination"><li class="paginate_button previous disabled" id="userTBL_previous"><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="0" tabindex="0">Previous</a></li><li class="paginate_button active"><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="1" tabindex="0">1</a></li><li class="paginate_button "><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="2" tabindex="0">2</a></li><li class="paginate_button "><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="3" tabindex="0">3</a></li><li class="paginate_button "><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="4" tabindex="0">4</a></li><li class="paginate_button "><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="5" tabindex="0">5</a></li><li class="paginate_button disabled" id="userTBL_ellipsis"><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="6" tabindex="0">…</a></li><li class="paginate_button "><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="7" tabindex="0">470</a></li><li class="paginate_button next" id="userTBL_next"><a href="#" aria-controls="userTBL" data-dt-idx="8" tabindex="0">Next</a></li></ul></div></div></div>
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If you link to a page showing the issue I would be happy to take a look into it.
I got way to busy at work. I just got back to this, I opened a duplicate question, this time with debug page. Sorry.