Can I add a row with orthogonal data, without using numbers in my data targets?

Can I add a row with orthogonal data, without using numbers in my data targets?

hmcelroyhmcelroy Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0
edited June 2017 in Free community support

I've been working with a table that is client-side and I am using data-attributes for order & filter. This all works well.
Then i get some data via ajax, and want to add a row. I can get this to work, but then I am forced into setting all my columnDefs with display, order (which otherwise isn't necessary). This is also ok. What is troublesome to me is that I have to used numbered targets for _ and order. I really like being able to use named targets and not being bound to the order that they are in.

columnDefs: [
    targets: ['lname'],
    data: {
        _: '0.display',
        sort: '0.@data-sort' 
 } ... 

This is my POC that works:
Just want to get rid of the 0. if possible.

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