datatable showing tool tips text in the exported pdf

datatable showing tool tips text in the exported pdf

hubcodershubcoders Posts: 1Questions: 1Answers: 0

I am trying to export a table as pdf which contains tool tips and glyphicon.I am facing two problems while exporting the table.

Problem 1

The exported pdf contains the tooltips text

<th> <div class="tooltips">Serial <span class="tooltipstext">Poistion</span></div> </th>

Problem 2

The table is not exporting the glyphicon

    <span ng-show="{{ data.status }}=='1'"> <div class="tooltips"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></i><span class="tooltipstext">Yes</span></div></span>
    <span ng-show="{{ data.status }}=='0'"> <div class="tooltips"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i><span class="tooltipstext">NO</span></div></span>

How can i format the table before exporting so that the tool tips are excluded and glyphicon is shown in the exported pdf?

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