how to rank each field in datatables?
how to rank each field in datatables?

so i have a load of data on, lets say...rabbits!
in my table i have these columns:
* rabbitID
* rabbit_height
* rabbit_weight
* rabbit_length
* rabbit_strength
so atm i do a default sort of rabbitID ascending. what i would really like, is to be able to use the search bar, to look up a rabbit ID, and then when i have that row, be able to see what is the rank of the rabbit's height, weight, length, and strength.
thanks for any advice on this!
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hey dude, thanks for replying.
i understand that i can order the data for the initial presentation, but im wondering if there is some kind of API functionality I can use to get the rank of each stat.
So, yeah I can order my rabbits initially by ID and length ascending, but if i then start clicking and ordering stuff, and then i search for a specific rabbit ID, can I use the API to build some custom functionality where I can display next to the rabbits weight what rank is their weight, and then next to the rabbits strength what rank is their strength etc
if not, i guess i can do it serverside, but it would nice to have this functionality available within datatables. thanks!
...also congrats on 420 posts
There is a multi order option too
420? wow, I need to get a life.
I vaguely remembered something about ranking, and this was it: