DataTables Editor - Insert String Data in Oracle CLOB data type Column
DataTables Editor - Insert String Data in Oracle CLOB data type Column

Dear Allan,
How can I insert and retrive data from CLOB Data type column ?
I am using Oracle 11g R2 Database.
I have very large text to save in Database using CKEditor, normal Varchar2 Column can hold 4000 bytes in Oracle so I use the column Datatype CLOB but i am not sure Datatable simple insert the CKEditor Data to CLOB column ?
Best Regards
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If you can write to it and read it like a normal column, then yes, it would work. However in my experience with PHP and Oracle you need to read a stream from the database rather than just being able to read the CLOB's data as normal. That is not something that Editor's PHP libraries currently provide for.
Dear Allan,
Thanks for clarification.
I am using c# .Net version of DataTables Editor, Is it possible I will by pass Editor Default Insert/update/delete functionality and instead I will just take the parameters name/value to just pass to some store procedures to process ?
I am thinking in this way I will insert and update the CLOB Data.
Best Regards
Sorry - I had thought we were on the PHP libraries. Its possible that in .NET the same issue exists. I haven't actually tried using a CLOB from Oracle in .NET yet.
I'm sorry to say that the Editor libraries don't support stored procedures either. You are hitting all the parts that it doesn't support yet...!