Server-side, total pages and number of rows not shown

Server-side, total pages and number of rows not shown

MartyFMartyF Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1


I am sending back a response to my DT but the information in the footer of the table is not updating. Here is what I'm sending back :

    recordsTotal: 2,
    recordsFiltered: 2,
    draw: 1,
    data: Array[2]

The rows are displayed in the table, and I can reorder, filter, every inteaction works well. But I cannot use pagination, as it seems DT doesn't receive the recordsFiltered and recordsTotal values. :

(filtered from NaN items)

Of course the number of pages shown is incorrect and the navigation buttons don't work.

Here is the debug of my DT :

What did I miss ?


  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,752Questions: 26Answers: 5,032
    edited July 2017

    The debugger shows this has the JSON response:

        "recherche": {
            "nomEnveloppe": "",
            "direction": "ASC"
        "totalPages": 1,
        "pageActive": 1,
        "nombreResultat": 20,
        "nombreTotalResultat": 2,
        "enveloppes": [{
            "idEnveloppe": 429,
            "dateModification": "2017-07-20"
        "draw": 1

    It looks like 'recordsTotal, recordsFiltered and data` are named something different in the JSON response.

    My understanding is ajax.dataSrc is not used when using server side processing.


  • MartyFMartyF Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1
    edited July 2017

    Thanks for your answer Kevin ! The data is processed correctly in dataSrc, and the result is the JSON I posted in my question. This is why it seems strange to me that it doesn't work :(

    Here is what the formatEnveloppesResults function returns :

            return {
                recordsTotal: data.nombreTotalResultat,
                recordsFiltered: data.nombreTotalResultat,
                draw: dtDraw,
                data: lignes
  • kthorngrenkthorngren Posts: 21,752Questions: 26Answers: 5,032

    Allan mentions in this thread that ajax.dataSrc is not supported for use with server side processing:


  • MartyFMartyF Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1

    I hadn't seen this topic before... Then how do I edit the received data from the server ? I can't change what I'm receiving this is why I need to transform it into DT-friendly data...

  • MartyFMartyF Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1
    edited July 2017

    Ok so I removed the ajax.dataSrc and used xhr.dt instead, returning what I think DT is waiting for :

        recordsTotal: 20,
        recordsFiltered: 20,
        draw: 1,
        data: Array[20]

    Here is the event :

              .on('xhr.dt', function ( e, settings, json, xhr ) {
                  const formattedResult = formatEnveloppesResults(json);
                  json = formattedResult;
                  dtDraw += 1;

    But by using breakpoints I can see that, though xhr.dt is fired before _fnAjaxUpdateDraw, the latest uses the original json object...

  • MartyFMartyF Posts: 14Questions: 5Answers: 1
    edited July 2017

    I am completely lost... in the doc, it is written that ajax.dataSrc is used to convert data received from the server to a format DT can read :

    As a function dataSrc provides the ability to manipulate the data returned from the server >from one form into another. For example, if your data is split over multiple arrays you might >combine it into a single array to return for processing and display by DataTables.

    In this form dataSrc can be used to transform any data source, such as non-JSON data >(XML, YAML, etc) into the Javascript array that DataTables expects.

    So why can't I use it ? And if I can, why doesn't it work, is this a bug ?

  • panecpanec Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited September 2017

    I have the same issue. I tried to convert the JSON data from one form (not DT complaint) to another one that should work, but no mater how hard I tried the JSON data was always unchanged.
    I tried modifying JSON in xhr & xhr.dt event as well as on ajax.dataSrc. My version is 1.10.15

  • panecpanec Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0

    I have tried again with minimal setup and ad the moment the ajax.dataSrc way is working fine. The xhr event approach still does not work.

  • allanallan Posts: 64,095Questions: 1Answers: 10,571 Site admin

    Sorry I never saw your post before @MartyF. You can't use ajax.dataSrc with server-side processing because it points to the data array that DataTables should use for the rows in the table. But server-side processing responses need more information than that - they need the draw count and totals.

    Using xhr is the correct way to do it, but you need to manipulate the existing object. You can't assign a new one to it.

              .on('xhr.dt', function ( e, settings, json, xhr ) {
                  const formattedResult = formatEnveloppesResults(json);
                  json = formattedResult;
                  dtDraw += 1;

    Won't work because it changes the value of json in the current scope, but it doesn't effect the original object.

    You need to modify that original json object - e.g.

              .on('xhr.dt', function ( e, settings, json, xhr ) {
                  json.recordsTotal = json.nombreTotalResultat;

    Yes, I'll freely admit this is a bit pants. The next major version of DataTables will provide a bit more functionality in this area.


  • elar1000elar1000 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0


    Can we just use dataSrc as following with server side processing if we need to manipulate dom after ajax call? Strange thing is with that footer is not always updating :(

    "ajax": {
                "url" : "@{Activities.list_for_campaign_data_tables_JSON()}",
                "data": function (requestData) {
                    $("input[type=text].filter, input.filter:checked, select.filter").each(function(){
                        var v = $(this).val();
                        if ($.isArray(v)) {
                            requestData[] = v;                 
                            requestData[] = (requestData[] || []);
                "dataSrc": function(json){
                    var currency = $("#currency option:selected").text();
                    var pageTotal = $(".dataTable tfoot");
                    var total = $(".dataTable tfoot");
                    if(json.totalData.hasOwnProperty("pageTotal") ){
                        pageTotal.find("th")[8].innerHTML = json.totalData.pageCount; 
                        pageTotal.find("th")[9].innerHTML = json.totalData.pageTotal + " " + currency; 
                    } else { 
                        pageTotal.find("th")[8].innerHTML = json.totalData.count; 
                        pageTotal.find("th")[9].innerHTML = + " " + currency; 
                    total.find("th")[8].innerHTML = json.totalData.count ; 
                    total.find("th")[9].innerHTML = + " " + currency ; 
  • elar1000elar1000 Posts: 3Questions: 0Answers: 0

    Got footer updating working with DataTable.api
    oTable is global variable for dataTable

    var pageTotal = $(oTable.DataTable().table().footer()).find("");

  • allanallan Posts: 64,095Questions: 1Answers: 10,571 Site admin

    You can't use ajax.dataSrc with server-side processing.

    Good to hear you've got the footer updating though.


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