Core Editor example Core Editor example
First of all, a bit of background - recently started my first core project, or it would more precise to say first dev project in like 10 years, so yeah, currently rate myself a newb in development.
So when I got the multi-tenancy, authentication, authorization done, I started to look for UI elements for my project, came across datatables, and was pretty sure that I would love to include this UI element in my project. Editing data grids is a must for me, so it was disappointing to find out that there is no libraries for core for Editor server-side. Although I haven't yet bought it, I decided to try to implement the server side myself. Long story short, 2 days later I have editable table, and I am willing to share my solution, as it could help someone else or me (by someone improving upon it). So here we go.
- Models
public class ProjectType
public int Id { get; set; }
public string ProjType { get; set; }
public class ProjectTypeDTable : ProjectType
public string DT_RowId { get; set; }
- Editor and datatable initialization
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor({
ajax: {
url: '/api/dtprojecttype',
data: function (d) {
return JSON.stringify(d);
contentType: "application/json"
table: '.projecttypes-table',
idSrc: 'id',
fields: [
name: "projType",
label: "Project Type: "
var generateProjectTypesTable =
columns: [
data: "id",
searchable: false,
{ data : "projType" }
ordering: true,
paging : true,
pagingType : 'full_numbers',
pageLength : "25",
select : true,
dom: '<"html5buttons"B>lTfgitp',
buttons : [
{ extend: 'create', editor: editor },
{ extend: 'edit', editor: editor },
{ extend: 'remove', editor: editor },
{ extend: 'copy' }
//$('.projecttypes-table').on('click', 'tbody td', function () {
// editor.inline(this);
- Server side api action
public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]JObject request)
//split incomming JSON object into action and data JTokens
var action = request.GetValue("action").ToString();
var data = request.GetValue("data");
IList<ProjectTypeDTable> testchangedobjects = new List<ProjectTypeDTable> { };
//define new list for changed objects
IList<ProjectTypeDTable> changedobjects = new List<ProjectTypeDTable> { };
//parse json to class objects
changedobjects = changedobjects.DTableEditParser(request, "Id", "Int");
//create empty List for response objects
IList<ProjectTypeDTable> responseobjects = new List<ProjectTypeDTable> { };
if (action == "create")
foreach (var x in changedobjects)
var changed = new ProjectType
ProjType = x.ProjType
changed = await _tenantdbrepo.AddProjectTypeAsync(changed);
responseobjects.Add(new ProjectTypeDTable { Id = changed.Id, ProjType = changed.ProjType, DT_RowId = "row_" + changed.Id.ToString() });
else if (action == "edit")
foreach (var x in changedobjects)
var changed = new ProjectType
Id = x.Id,
ProjType = x.ProjType
changed = await _tenantdbrepo.UpdateProjectTypeAsync(changed);
responseobjects.Add(new ProjectTypeDTable { Id = changed.Id, ProjType = changed.ProjType, DT_RowId = x.DT_RowId ?? "row_"+changed.Id });
else if (action == "remove")
foreach (var x in changedobjects)
var changed = new ProjectType
Id = x.Id,
ProjType = x.ProjType
await _tenantdbrepo.RemoveProjectTypeAsync(changed);
if (responseobjects.Any())
dynamic response = new
data = responseobjects
return Json(response);
dynamic response = new { };
return Json(response);
- My extension that parses the json to objects
public static class DatatablesEdit
public static IList<T> DTableEditParser<T>(this IList<T> source, JObject json, string id, string idtype)
//split incomming JSON object into action and data JTokens
var action = json.GetValue("action").ToString();
var data = json.GetValue("data");
IList<T> changedobjects = new List<T> { };
foreach (JProperty x in data)
//initialize empty object of class
T changedobject = (T)Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T));
//set object's ID property to JSON objects Name
if (idtype =="int")
changedobject.GetType().GetProperty(id).SetValue(changedobject, Int32.Parse(x.Name.ToString()));
} else if (idtype == "string")
changedobject.GetType().GetProperty(id).SetValue(changedobject, x.Name.ToString());
//loop through each of JSON object sub properties, change the property name from camel case to pascal case and map to object's properties
foreach (JProperty y in x.Value)
string propertyname = char.ToUpper(y.Name[0]) + y.Name.Substring(1);
if (changedobject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyname).PropertyType.Name == "String")
changedobject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyname).SetValue(changedobject, y.Value.ToString());
else if (changedobject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyname).PropertyType.Name == "Integer")
changedobject.GetType().GetProperty(propertyname).SetValue(changedobject, Int32.Parse(y.Value.ToString()));
//add object to changed objects List
return changedobjects;
I am sure that the code is far from optimal, but I am pretty proud of myself to get this working. Any improvements appreciated.
That's superb! Thank you for sharing this with us.
I can't wait to get Editor support for .NET Core into the distribution. With .NET Core 2.1 it should be possible.
This looks really interesting.
It would be awesome to have this within the following:
Hey thanks for sharing! This is working really well for me at the moment, to handle nullable types, if you have DateTime? or short? for example, I added lines like this:
Anyways, just wondering, after performing an ajax request from the editor, how do you update or refresh the datatable and select the newly selected row?
Ah nevermind, the format must be in the following:
After formatting it worked.