Anyone got yadcf working with Bootstrap Multiselect from davidstutz?

Anyone got yadcf working with Bootstrap Multiselect from davidstutz?

Dalex73Dalex73 Posts: 30Questions: 4Answers: 4


I cannot use select2 or the chosen default drop down templates that exist for my application but must use the Bootstrap Multiselect from davidstutz instead ( Has anyone had any luck with it using some sort of custom select or similar? I can get it to show properly and I see that it gets populated with the data but cannot click and select anything in it. Also do anyone know if there are any plans to include the bootstrap multiselect in the plugin in the same way as select2/chosen?


  • Dalex73Dalex73 Posts: 30Questions: 4Answers: 4

    I have set up a test project at now showing how far I have come, if you inspect the dropdown on the top you can see that it is populated but I cannot select anything from it. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix it so one can select the values?

  • Dalex73Dalex73 Posts: 30Questions: 4Answers: 4

    Ok found the issue in yadcf.stopPropagation(event) in the initializeSelectPlugin function so added a custom check without it and then it works. So this can be closed now @allan

    else if (selectType === 'custom_select_multi') {

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