I Want to make Complex headers like this....
I Want to make Complex headers like this....

I Want to make Complex headers like this...
picture | name | age | adress |
| value1 | value2 | value3 |
picture1 | kwak | 34 | new |
| abc | def | val |
picture2 | park | 22 | los |
| aaa | fef | val2 |
I'm looking for this example, but don't look that.
it's simillar example. but not I'm searching.
anyone know that example or hint.
plz help.
Can you do this in straight html so we can figure out the actual layout and make recommendations?
I've added code highlighting which I think helps a little, although I still don't fully get it since it looks like it involved the table body as well?
Thanks Your advice. I write detail question this site.
plz. I need your help.
I'm not sure why you've posted it in a new thread, but I'll try to look at it.