When activating Server side to true inline/tab issue
When activating Server side to true inline/tab issue

On our system we are getting to a point where we are loading many rows at once and I have been testing the serverSide option but the moment I set serverSide: 'true'
the inline editing works only in every other field. We have tabing active with inline editing:
// Inline editing on tab focus
$('#MyTable').on( 'key-focus', function ( e, datatable, cell ) {
editor.inline( cell.index() );
} );
Is there anything that I need to activate or change besides setting serverSide to true? What could be causing this? It all works fine when we don't have serverSide set to true.
Thanks for any help on this.
I'd really need a test case showing the issue please.
If you are using the PHP or .NET libraries on the server-side, you shouldn't need to do anything else (except possibly make the DataTables Ajax request via POST rather than GET - depending on how the server-side code is setup).
Hi Allen, I will have to set up a test server and get you access.
That would be great, thanks.