Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL
Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL

The full html file with text "Full Example code of Export table with Sorting, Searching and Paging(responsive) features" provided in the below link to export data table into different options.
However all the export options doesn't work when tested locally and throws the following error on clicking export options for
file:///C:/Test/libs/tableExport.js:171 Not allowed to navigate top frame to data URL: data:application/json;filename=exportData;base64,W3siaGVhZGVyIjpbWyJTci5ObyIsIk5hbWUiLCJDb3VudHJ5IiwiU2FsYXJ5Il1dLCJkYXRhIjpbWyIwMDEiLCJSYWh1bCIsIkluZGlhIiwiMjAwMDAiXSxbIjAwMiIsIkNoYXJsZXMiLCJVbml0ZWQgS2luZ2RvbSIsIjI4MDAwIl0sWyIwMDMiLCJNZW5zaHJpbCIsIkF1c3RyYWxpYSIsIjcwMDAwIl0sWyIwMDQiLCJHYW5lc2giLCJJbmRpYSIsIjE4MDAwIl0sWyIwMDUiLCJNYWl0aGlsaSIsIkluZGlhIiwiMTIwMDAiXSxbIjAwNiIsIlBhdmFuIiwiSW5kaWEiLCI1MDAwMCJdLFsiMDA3IiwiUmFrZXNoIiwiVVMiLCI3NTAwMCJdLFsiMDA4IiwiTWF5dXIiLCJJbmRpYSIsIjEwMDAwMCJdLFsiMDA5IiwiTmlSUmFOamFuIiwiSW5kaWEiLCI4NTAwMCJdLFsiMDEwIiwiVGFubWF5IiwiQXVzdHJpYSIsIjMwMDAwIl1dfV0=
The following export options doesn't work
JSON, JSON (IgnoreColumn), JSON (With Escape), PNG, PDF
Please let me know.
When I go to the page you linked I get this error:
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token (index):218
That will keep the button from working since your JS stopped executing.
Full HTML code for reference.
You should take this up with the author of the example you linked to,
tableExport.js is not provided by DataTables, which has its own "Buttons" module to handle exports.
The author's email is not known. any suggestions on what might be the issue can be useful and will try to resolve it and post if solved..just need suggestions or comments based on the experience...
The example page has a "Contact" link.
I have contacted the link and will wait for the response. Meanwhile, do you have any suggestions or comments to resolve them?
Several scripts caused this issue. We can close this.