edit/delete datatables in codeigniter

edit/delete datatables in codeigniter

rakanugrorakanugro Posts: 3Questions: 3Answers: 0
edited August 2017 in Free community support

so far I can display data properly from datatables,when I use the columns[] on ajax script to make edit/delete
the data can't display properly here my code


<table id="example" class="display" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
                            <th>ID Category Asset</th>
                            <th>Category Name</th>
                             <th>ID Category Asset</th>
                            <th>Category Name</th>


public function ac_page(){

        $ac = $this->edit_model->load_ac();
        $draw = intval($this->input->POST('draw'));
        $start = intval($this->input->POST('start'));
        $length = intval($this->input->POST('length'));

        $data =  array();

        foreach ($ac as $row ) {
            $data[] = array(




        $acfull = $this->edit_model->load_acfull();

        $output = array(

            "draw" => $draw,
            "recordstotal" => $acfull,
            "recordsfiltered" => $acfull,
            "data" => $data


        echo json_encode($output);



$(document).ready(function() {
                "processing": true,
                "ajax" :{
                  url : "<?php echo base_url()?>Edit_asset/ac_page",
                  type : 'POST'
                //"columns": [
                  //{ "data": "Category_ID" },
                  //{ "data": "Category_name" }



the question is how to make edit/delete and display data properly

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