Using jQuery Datatable plugin in salesforce datatable for downloading CSV or Pdf is not working
Using jQuery Datatable plugin in salesforce datatable for downloading CSV or Pdf is not working

I have used the following jquery plugin
var j$ = jQuery.noConflict();
sPaginationType: "full_numbers",
sDom: '<"top"flp>rt<"bottom"i><"clear">',
sButtons: ['copy','csv','excel','pdf','print']
And would like it to appear above the data table with all buttons** copy, csv,excel**
Please help us with the same
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You need to include "B" (for Buttons) in your sDom definition.
This assumes that you are correctly referencing Datatables' Buttons extension in your code.
Thank you @tangerine . Do you mean to say that we have to use bButton instead of sButton ? Please advice
No he meant, sDom: '<"top"Bflp>rt<"bottom"i><"clear">' for instance if you want the buttons on top of the table.