Inline edit for select2 plugin not working.
Inline edit for select2 plugin not working.

The select2 plugin does not seem to work for inline edit and seems to only work if I use the modal window edits.
What am I missing?
My code.
fields: [
label: "Item Category:",
name: "inventory_main_list.inventory_main_list_cat_link_uuid",
type: 'select2',
opts: {
"placeholder": "Select Category",
"allowClear": true
options: get_category_data()
"columns": [
"data": "inventory_categories.inventory_categories_desc",
"editField": "inventory_main_list.inventory_main_list_cat_link_uuid"
This discussion has been closed.
Can you link to a page showing the issue so I can help to debug it please?