Search for multiple strings in Table with Cells that have comma separated values
Search for multiple strings in Table with Cells that have comma separated values

Love the plugin and I can get it to work for almost all my needs. However, I'm running into a problem when I use the api to search a table column for multiple strings (i.e. this or that ) and the table column cells can have multiple comma separated values.
For example say there is a column with the following cells
[This is a value , Here is another value , And Yet another one]
Then I search for
[This is a value | And Yet another one]
No results show. I've tried both...
Regex true, Smart false
Regex false, Smart true ( only when I use one value in search this works )
Any recommendations on how / what I need to do to get this to work or what I might be doing that is causing this not to work? I've searched most posts that are related and still can't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in Advance,