Help with "ColumnDefs" not recognizing percentage numbers
Help with "ColumnDefs" not recognizing percentage numbers

I'm having an issue where my tables are not being highlighted on numbers that are 100%, only the numbers that are between 01-99 are highlighted with their respectable class. Is there a way for me to get ColumnDefs to work with the number 100? Maybe a workaround to highlight a single digit that's the value of 100? Any help with this is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Here's code I'm using:
columnDefs: [
{visible: false, "targets": 0},
{"targets": 6,
"createdCell": function (td, cellData, rowData, row, col) {
<!-- Anything below 35% will be highlighted in red-->
if ( cellData < "35.99%") {
<!-- Anything between 35%-65% will be in Yellow-->
else if ( cellData < "65.99%") {
<!-- Anything Greater than 66% will be in Green-->
else if ( cellData > "66.00%") {
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