DataTables warning (table id = 'DataTables_Table_0')
DataTables warning (table id = 'DataTables_Table_0')

I'm currently developing a webpage that when user input the data needed in Advance Filtering and click on the button'Search Result',the table will show the data needed,but the problem is i get the error of DataTables warning (table id = 'DataTables_Table_0'):
DataTables warning: To retrieve the DataTables object for this table,pass no arguments or see thr docs for bRetrieve and bDestroy
when i try to load the page.
This is my javascript code:
(function() {
/* --- caching dom based on structure--- */
var $document = $(document.body);
// -*
var $msp_filter = $document.find("#msp_filter");
// -**
var $msp_open_btn = $msp_filter.find("#msp_open_btn");
var $msp_content = $msp_filter.find("#msp_filter_content");
// -***
var $f_month = $msp_content.find("#f_month");
var $f_month_2 = $;
var $f_date = $msp_content.find("#f_date");
var $f_time = $msp_content.find("#f_time");
var $f_product = $msp_content.find("#f_product");
var $f_comp = $msp_content.find("#f_comp");
var $f_order = $msp_content.find("#f_order");
var $f_select_co = $f_month.add([$f_product[0], $f_comp[0], $f_order[0], $f_month_2[0]]);
// -***
var $f_t_search = $msp_content.find("#f_text_search");
var $f_f_search = $msp_content.find("#f_form_search");
var $f_t_refresh = $;
var $f_f_reset = $;
// -*
var $msp_table = $;
// -**
var $huntertable = $msp_table.find(".hunter-table");
var $wrapper__btn = $msp_table.find("header").find(".t_r").find("a");
// -***
var $SummaryTable = $huntertable.find(".SummaryTable");
// -*
var $msp__daily_wrapper = $document.find("#msp__daily_wrapper");
// -*
var $msp__form_wrapper = $;
// -*
var $msp__rep_wrapper = $;
var $rTable = $msp__rep_wrapper.find("#prl-table");
// -*
var $msContainer = $msp__form_wrapper.length ? ($ : ($document.find("#msContainer")) ;
var sectionwrapper = {
msp__daily_wrapper : $msp__daily_wrapper,
msp__form_wrapper : $msp__form_wrapper,
msContainer : $msContainer,
msp__rep_wrapper : $msp__rep_wrapper
var $window = $(window);
var offset = $msp_filter.offset();
var ggTable;
// init jtable with document.ready
// duno why
$(function() {
var oTable,
tableWidth = $huntertable.width();
// Summary Table from summary page
$SummaryTable.length > 0 && $SummaryTable.each(function() {
if (!$(this).hasClass("dataTable-custom")) {
var e = {
sPaginationType : "full_numbers",
sDom : '<"voon"fl>rt<"joon"ip>',
oLanguage : {
sSearch : "<span class='vccc'>Date Filter :</span><select id='wipFilter'></select><span>Quick Search :</span> ",
sInfo : "Showing <span>_START_</span> to <span>_END_</span> of <span>_TOTAL_</span> entries",
sLengthMenu : "_MENU_ <span>entries per page</span>"
bSort : false,
iDisplayLength : 25,
bDeferRender : true,
bProcessing : true,
bServerSide : true,
fnRowCallback : function(nRow, aData, iDisplayIndex, iDisplayIndexFull) {
return nRow;
fnServerParams : function(data) {
{ name : 'month' , value : $f_month.val() },
{ name : 'month2' , value : $f_month_2.val() },
{ name : 'date' , value : $f_date.val() || 'no' },
{ name : 'time' , value : $f_time.val() || 'no' },
{ name : 'product', value : $f_product.val() },
//{ name : 'comp' , value : $f_comp.val() },
{ name : 'search' , value : $f_t_search.val() || 'no' }
fnDrawCallback : function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("dataTable-display")) {
e.iDisplayLength = 10;
e.bDeferRender = !0;
ggTable = $(this).dataTable(e);
$(".dataTables_filter input").attr("placeholder", "Search here...");
$(".dataTables_length select").wrap("<div class='input-mini'></div>").chosen({
disable_search_threshold : 9999999
}); // end summary table
// caching DOM and bind event
var $this = $(this),
$container = $this.find("div.wip-container"),
$dummyMain = $this.find("div.hentai-main"),
$dummyScroll = $dummyMain.find("div.hentai-scroll"),
$dummy = $dummyScroll.find("div.dummy-scroll"),
$voon = $container.find("div.wip-slider").find("div.voon"),
$wipFilter = $voon.find("select#wipFilter"),
$joon = $container.find("div.wip-slider div.joon"),
$table = $container.find("div.wip-slider table"),
$span = $table.find("span.tabletitle"),
$datestr = $container.find("input#wipDate"),
$dateoption = $datestr.val(),
$todaydate = $container.find("input#todayDate"),
poch = $todaydate.val();
// asyn scroll bar with the original one
$dummyScroll.css("width",tableWidth + "px");
$dummy.css("width",( $table.width() + 10) +"px");
// scroll event
var pixel = $(this).scrollLeft();
$voon.css("margin-left", pixel + "px");
$joon.css("margin-left", pixel + "px");
// update dummy scroll bar
// when scrolling dummy, update the original one
var pixel = $(this).scrollLeft();
// when window Resize, update the dummy scroll width
var width = $(".hunter-table").width();
$dummyScroll.css("width",width + "px");
var container = $container.offset().top;
if($(this).scrollTop() > container ) {
} else {
// filter by date
var val = $(this).val();
if(val === 'all') {
} else {
// auto filter after page landing
// this statement must go before the previous one
$wipFilter.children("option[value^='" + poch +"']").prop("selected","selected").change();
}); // end cache dom
// redraw otable
function ofs() {
$f_select_co.on("change", ofs);
$f_t_refresh.on("click", ofs);
$f_f_search.on("click", ofs);
$f_f_reset.on("click", resetform);
$wrapper__btn.on("click", open_wrapper);
function resetform() {
$f_month_2.val("No Filter");
// $f_comp.val("");
function open_wrapper(e) {
var href = this.getAttribute("data-href").split("/");
var $sectionwrapper = sectionwrapper[href[0]];
var toggle;
$msp_open_btn.on("click", function() {
var isclose = $msp_content.hasClass("msp-none");
$msp_content.toggleClass("msp-none", (!isclose));
What exactly is causing this error??
Can anybody help me??
This question has an accepted answers - jump to answer
when i add
the error is missing,but i get this error twice instead of the 1st error.
DataTables warning (table id = 'DataTables_Table_0'): DataTables warning: JSON data from server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error.
What is the data that is being returned from the server in that case? This tech note explains how to find that out.
It would suggest not adding the
option. That means you are destroying and replacing the existing table. Do you actually want to do that?Can you link to a test case showing the issue please.
I think I know what is the problem now.Thanks for your reply.
Have a nice day