Load $_GET variable into filter/search box
Load $_GET variable into filter/search box

I have a page that has a datatable on it that I'd like to be able to load a search via $_GET variable like this:
Is there a way to make datatables load "cars" into the search/filter area when the page loads?
Here is my datatable code:
$(function () {
var loc = window.location.pathname;
var dir = loc.substring(0, loc.lastIndexOf('/'));
url= dir + "./DataTables-1.10.5/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf";
dom: 'T<"clear">lfrtip',
tableTools: {
"sSwfPath": "./DataTables-1.10.5/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
"aButtons": [ "xls" ] //"aButtons": [ "copy", "csv", "xls","pdf","print" ]
columnDefs: [
{ type: 'formatted-num', targets: 3 }
order: [[ 5, "desc" ]]
} );
var tableTools = new $.fn.dataTable.TableTools( table, {
"buttons": [
{ "type": "print", "buttonText": "Print me!" }
} );
$( tableTools.fnContainer() ).insertAfter('div.info');
Edited by Allan - Syntax highlighting. Details on how to highlight code using markdown can be found in this guide.
This discussion has been closed.
Yes - use the
option and pass in the variable from the query string.Moreover, I think you might find this blog post interesting, as it basically formalises that kind of thing into a DataTables plug-in.