Export to PDF don't completed

Export to PDF don't completed

zeingzeing Posts: 9Questions: 3Answers: 0

I try to export Excel PDF and Print
Excel and Print i get file completely
but PDF
i can't get some field in table

data in table
Screen Shot 2560-10-09 at 16.30.09

my excel

but my pdf

i can't get appointment id and duration(min)

table_appointment = $('#table_appointment').DataTable({ "dom" : "<'columns is-margin-bottom-0'<'column a'B><'column b'><'column c'><'column is-2 'l><'column is-3'f>>" + "tr" + "<'columns'<'column'i><'column'p>>", buttons: [ { orientation: 'portrait', "className": 'button is-primary', pageSize: 'LEGAL', extend: 'excelHtml5', footer: true, title: 'provider', //default filename action: function(e, dt, button, config) { var dataForm = convertDataFormToJSON('form-filter'); var providername = $( "#provider option:selected" ).text(); // console.log(moment.months(dataForm.month-1) config.title = providername+" "+moment.monthsShort(dataForm.month-1).toUpperCase()+dataForm.year+" at "+formatDateTime(moment()); $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.excelHtml5.action(e, dt, button, config); } }, { orientation: 'portrait', pageSize: 'LEGAL', extend: 'pdf', "className": 'button is-secondary is-margin-left-10', footer: true, title: 'provider', //default filename action: function(e, dt, button, config) { var dataForm = convertDataFormToJSON('form-filter'); var providername = $( "#provider option:selected" ).text(); // console.log(moment.months(dataForm.month-1) config.title = providername+" "+moment.monthsShort(dataForm.month-1).toUpperCase()+dataForm.year+" at "+formatDateTime(moment()); $.fn.dataTable.ext.buttons.pdfHtml5.action(e, dt, button, config); }, customize: function (doc) { doc.content[1].layout = "Borders"; } }, { orientation: 'portrait', extend: 'print', footer: true, "className": 'button is-primary is-margin-left-10', // message: '<p style="text-align:center;">' + searchCriteriaText + '</p>', customize: function (win) { $body = $(win.document.body); $body.find('h1').css('text-align', 'center'); } } ], "ajax": function (data, callback, settings) { var arrAppointment = []; $.ajax(config.api, { contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", dataType: 'json', type: 'POST', data: { cmd: "getAppointmentList", data : JSON.stringify(dataInit) }, success: function (data) { //Server respond // console.log(data) if (!data.error) {//Command SUCCESS arrAppointment = data; } else { console.log('Handel error later !'); if (data.msg) alertmesseage(data.msg); else alertmesseage('Error! Please Contact Admin!'); } }, error: function (xhr, status, err) { // server doesn't respond console.error('Contact backend error'); console.log(xhr, status, err); alertmesseage('Please try again!'); }, complete: function () { callback({data: arrAppointment}) changeFilter(); } }) }, "columns": cols, "scrollX": true, "initComplete": function(){ }, "footerCallback": function ( row, data, start, end, display ) { var api = this.api(), data; // Remove the formatting to get integer data for summation var intVal = function ( i ) { return i == undefined || i == null ? 0 :typeof i === 'string' ? i.replace(/[\$,]/g, '')*1 : typeof i === 'number' ? i : 0; }; // Total over all pages var total = api .column( 5 ) .data() .reduce( function (a, b) { return parseInt(intVal(a) + intVal(b)); }, 0 ); // Total over this page var pageTotal = api .column( 5, { page: 'current'} ) .data() .reduce( function (a, b) { return parseInt(intVal(a) + intVal(b)); }, 0 ); // console.log(pageTotal) // console.log(total) // Update footer $( api.column( 5 ).footer() ).html( '฿'+addNumberComma(pageTotal)+' ( ฿'+ addNumberComma(total) +' total)' ); } });

May i help you? thank you


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