Best Practice to add print CSS style to DataTable header and footer
Best Practice to add print CSS style to DataTable header and footer

I need to hide the page length dropdown, buttons extension and paging when printing.
I could do this in initComplete callback and find the necessary enclosing HTML elements for the mentioned controls through the settings parameter (or I could make reference to the DataTable using this keyword). But what is the best practice.
I'm using the Semantic UI styling
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If you use DataTables' own "Print" button, those things are excluded by default. At least, that's what's happening for me.
No idea about Semantic UI though.
I forgot to mention that I must print the row groupings while using the RowGroup extension.
When using the "Print" button, the row grouping is ignored. This is why I am taking this route to ignore the Buttons extension for this task.
If you find a way for me to have RowGroup be acknowledged in "Print" it would be really nice because I like the extension.